Educate . Empower . Excel

Cameroonian Youth Association of Calgary

Christmas Shoe box

The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to provide God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world

International Humanitarian project

The Cameroonian Youth Association is extremely grateful to the each and everyone who supported them tremously during all the phases of this project. Your wholesome donations, advice has gone a long way


This virtual session will educate young Canadian of their primary identity and the value of knowing their motherland.

About us

Building a platform to Empower the Social and Cultural Engagement of our Youths

The Cameroon Youth Association is a Non-governmental Society founded on the 5th of July 2020 by a couple of Cameroonians who saw the value in uniting with their fellow brothers and sisters to uplift their culture in their current city of Calgary.


Get Involved

Our doors are open to anyone interested in knowing more about our growing community. As a member, you’ll have exposure to a vibrant network along with a wealth of knowledge and experience you can’t find anywhere else about our loving Country of Origin. Our community is incredibly welcoming to non-members who wish to stay updated with our activities and accomplishments along side volunteer with us. Check out the options below to which you qualify for learn more.

The Cameroon Youth Association is a Non-governmental Society founded on the 5th of July 2020 by a couple of Cameroonians who saw the value in uniting with their fellow brothers and sisters to uplift their culture in their current city of Calgary.


– Are you not eligible to become a member, but yet desire to support in other ways?

– As an association, we have a mission, alongside yearly projects we carry out and we could always use extra hands for the organizations of our events; conferences, camps, mentorships, fundraisers, and parties.

– Click the button below to learn more alongside see some of our availaible volunteer opportunities


Hi, my name is Clancy Ngolah, and I am a painter and Designer. As a 3rd-year African- Canadian Visual Arts student at Emily Carr University of Art and Design. I thrive to apply the skills and knowledge obtained from my past experiences and social interests into my art practice. Click the button below to see some visuals from my new paint series

On Saturday the 25th of July, we had our first successful meeting. 20 days after the Association was created, we were truly happy to say out of our 25 registered members, 22 were present. As an association, we have beautiful projects coming up alongside different ways to give back to our community and we look forward to accomplishing everything. Below is a short video overview of how it went down


Volunteer Partners




Help ship clothes barrels to orphans in Cameroon

The Cameroonian youth Association of Calgary is still in the process of carrying out their first international humanitarian service. We are happy to say we have been able to collect a huge pile of clothes and other clothing incentives. These donated items will be shipped by sea to at least 2 orphanages in the English Part of Cameroon …

The document below contains game activities for kids between the ages 5-10


Activity sheet (Questions)

Answer sheet (Answers)


Our Bracelets

Friends Bracelets

This is our FRIENDS COLLECTION BRACELETS. They stand out whenever worn, especially when its just between a certin group of friends. Our bracelets are hand made. Made from Cameroonian based craft equipment. Each piece is made with love and patience to ensure the quality of the product. Get a piece and stand out wherever you are. Our bracelets come in one size and are adjustable.

Funds from sales are used to carry out projects and not for profit making


C$20.00      C$15.00

Be Proud Bracelets

Be proud of who you are. With this bracelet, you can proudly represent your homeland

Our simple, bracelets are hand made. Made from Cameroonian based craft equipment. Each piece is made with love and patience to ensure the quality of the product. Get a piece and stand out wherever you are. Our bracelets come in one size and are adjustable.

Funds from sales are used to carry out projects and not for profit making


C$20.00      C$16.00